This morning I got a call asking me to meet with the bishop for just a few minutes before church. I agreed and went to his office. He has been periodically checking up on Barry and I and part of me assumed that this is what the meeting would be about. In my heart though I feared that I was going to be released from my calling of teaching the 12 year old sunday school class. Just the week before our accident I was called to serve in this calling. I was so excited. I love primary and I have spent my adult life fulfilling callings in primary. In fact since becoming an adult I had only had one calling that was something other then in the primary organization and that was when I was a nanny in New York in 2004! I have loved serving in the primary and have genuinely loved the callings I have had there. I developed friendships with the women I served with that I will be forever thankful for. When I received the call to teach the 12 year olds I was nervous but really excited. I had been sustained but not yet set apart when our accident happened. When the bishop came to see me in the hospital he told me that they were not releasing me but they had arranged for someone else to teach until I was well enough to do it myself. That was the end of November and in the beginning of January I felt ready to teach my class. I was going to be Ammon and Treyton's teacher and Hayden had decided to come to the class also. I loved it even more then I imagined I would and it quickly became one of my favorite callings. Barry came and helped me teach due to the large size of the class - most Sunday's we had between 10-13 kids. The 12 year olds have a different manual than other sunday school classes. While most everyone is reading and studying the Book of Mormon this year they are learning from the book "The Blessings of Exaltation". I have been amazed at the lessons taught in this manual - always things I needed way more then the kids in my class it seemed. I have loved the young men and young women in my class. They have taught me so much and I have felt the prayers they have offered in Barry and my behalf. I love these guys so much.
So this morning as I sat waiting for the bishop I knew in my heart that I would be released. When the bishop confirmed that indeed I was being released I had to squeeze my eyes closed for a moment in order not to cry. He then said they were asking me to be the Young Women's Secretary and I was so surprised. I have not been in young women's since I was a young woman and of course I said yes to the call. I was set apart today after Sacrament meeting and in the blessing I was told I need to "heed" the whisperings of the Holy Ghost and that the miracles that I have experienced in my life would be an inspiration to the girls and help them with their testimonies. As sad as I am to leave my Sunday school class I am excited to be a part of young women's again. It will be fun to serve with Cassidy and get to know the young girls in our ward.
Awesome, I have never been in Young W omens either. Lots of primary, relief society and Sunday school but no YWS
You will love YW- that's my favorite place to be! You are always a source of strength and inspiration Karin. Love you!
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