Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gratitude Day 2

Today I am grateful for my job. Now I would like to say right up front that I wish I didn't have to work or that I could work shorter days so that I could be home with my kids - but with that said I love my job. I have wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember but for years I did not think I was capable of not only the schooling but the job in and of itself. School was an amazing, scary, overwhelming, wonderful, difficult, stressful, fantastic, etc......time for me. I loved it, hated it, couldn't wait for it to be over, and then it was and I had to find a job! I had always thought I would work in OB delivering babies but Barry and I agreed that 12 hour shift did not work with our schedule. We also realized that if I was working nights, weekends, and holidays that I wouldn't get much time to bond with his children. I was so blessed to find the job that I have. Yes it pays less then hospital nurses but it really couldn't be more perfect for our family. I count it a blessing everyday to work where I do. The benefits to my family are amazing and my job is almost no stress - most days I would say it was the least stressful part of my life. I love the people I work with they are like my 2nd family and my boss is amazing. So like I said whereas I wish I could be home more with the kids - I am grateful for the job I have.

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