Sunday, August 12, 2012

Kerri Gets Baptized

Kerri and Grandma Rice - with the cute dress Grandma made her.

Kerri and Dr. Hopkin - just before baptism

Kerri and most of the men who helped confirm her - one or two had already snuck off!

Kerri and Barry

Kerri and me!!
Kerri Lois Rice turned 8 years old on May 21st.   She was baptized on the first Saturday of August.  I am so glad for this blessing.  I am so glad she is on the right path to eternity.  I love the blessings of baptism and have been thinking of them since this wonderful event.   I am grateful for the promises we are allowed to make at baptism and even more thankful for the promises made to us.  I pray that I can live worthy of the promises God makes to us. 


Heather said...

Kerri can't be 8! She looks so beautiful in her dress! I miss seeing/talking to you but am glad you are doing so well. Your testimony is still strengthening mine.

Karin said...

Heather - I need your phone number - I would love to visit with you. Are you still in 5th ward?

Jessica said...

Kerri, you look Beautiful!!!
What a special day for her and all of you.
Did Dr. Hopking batize her? I loved seeing them in their white together.

I was tearing up reading the first post. Isn't it crazy what we take for granted. Like falling and being able to get up?! WOW! Made me open my eyes. But Karin, what amazes me more, is how far YOU have came. How strong you really are. You said it yourself, you pretty much had to learn to walk again, and here you are, working, and doing daily tasks, that at one time you may have not thought you would ever do again?
Just know friends and family are always around you to help you, to protect you.
Need to see you soon!